Call for nominations for this year’s Diamond Awards!

This is your opportunity to recognize and celebrate the outstanding achievements and innovations within the Czech business services. This year, we are introducing several new categories to reflect changes not only in Czech business services environment.

New categories

  • Individual Category: Leader of the Year
  • Technology Innovation
  • Employee Engagement and Development
  • Customer and Operational Excellence

Categories remained from previous years but still innovated

  • Business Innovation
  • ESG Strategies
  • Workplace innovation
  • Employer Branding Excellence

We encourage you to submit your nominations and help us shine a spotlight on the exemplary work and dedication within the business services community. For questions please contact our Project manager at

ABSL Diamond Awards | Hotel Fitzgerald | November 5, 2024

We are proud to highlight the immense growth of the Business Services sector in Czechia, both digitally and through human innovation. Celebrate the most impressive projects at the Hotel Fitzgerald on November 5, 2024 (VIP entrance only).

How to apply?

Download the application form for the appropriate category below.

Upload the filled out application form here by September 27, 2024.

Each company can nominate one project in each category (up to 7 projects in total and 1 in individual category Leader of the Year).

Brand New Individual Category

Leader of the Year

This individual category recognizes an exceptional leader within Czech business service centres who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities, achieved remarkable results, and made a significant impact on the organization.


  • Leadership qualities
  • Achievement & impact
  • Impact on business performance
  • Going beyond

Brand New Categories

Customer and Operational Excellence

This category recognizes business services companies that excel in delivering exceptional customer service while maintaining high standards of operational efficiency.


  • Impact on customer satisfaction and experience
  • Operational efficiency and process improvement
  • Innovativeness
  • Employee involvement

Technology Innovation

In this category, we recognize companies that have successfully implemented innovative technology solutions to enhance their business operations. Recipients of this award have demonstrated excellence in selecting, integrating, and deploying technology across their organization. These companies have shown a commitment to leveraging technology to drive efficiency, productivity, and growth.


  • Originality of the Technology
  • Impact on Business Operations
  • Implementation and integration
  • User experience

Employee Engagement and Development

Has your centre used an innovative approach to prioritize the growth, satisfaction, and retention of employees? Projects considered for this award should demonstrate exceptional efforts in a positive and supportive workplace environment, where employees are engaged, motivated, and empowered to thrive. Whether through innovative training programmes, mentorship opportunities or also initiatives that promote work-life balance and well-being.


  • Innovativeness
  • Scope of the project
  • Achieved results
  • Sustainability

Categories from previous years with innovated application forms

Business Innovation

This category focuses on companies in the business services sector that have demonstrated exceptional innovation in their products, services, processes, or business models. Recognizing forward-thinking initiatives that drive market disruption, create new opportunities, and enhance competitiveness.


  • Originality and creativity of the Innovation
  • Impact on business performance
  • Implementation
  • Sustainability

At the heart of sustainability, there are three main pillars that need to be taken into account: EnvironmentalSocial and Governance (ESG).

How did your company promote the ESG pillars? What innovative approaches have you adopted to focus on sustainability and resilience?


  • Innovation
  • Integration
  • Sustainability

Innovative Workplace

How have you handled the return to work and employed innovative new strategies to ensure business continuity and a new way of working for 2024 and beyond?

In this category, we will recognize initiatives that promote creativity, collaboration, flexibility and employee well-being.


  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Impact on Employee Experience
  • Sustainability

Employer Branding Excellence

This category wants to recognize companies that excel in shaping and promoting their employer brand to attract, engage and retain top talent. The award should highlight compelling brand messages, innovative recruitment strategies and winner of this category should demonstrate exceptional effort in showcasing their unique workplace culture, values, and opportunities. Companies should prove their effective communication and engagement with both current and potential employees.


  • Innovativeness
  • Employee engagement
  • Achieved results
  • Impact on the company

Get inspired by other Diamond winners