Business cards, fax, binders. Do you remember? (CZ)

Published On: 8. 8. 2024

Paper is running out. And it will continue to
There are considerably fewer folders and file cabinets in offices than before,there may still be some in the HR and accounts departments.
With them…the hole punches are slowly disappearing,staplers, paper clips, bottles of correction fluid… all the necessities that used to help to keep the mountains of paperwork under control.

“Automation is taking over the entire a number of routine tasks, such as transcribing data into a database or recording invoices. Artificial intelligence can then help with other – with data analysis, creating reports, making suggestions for improvement, creating business proposals or providing basic information on a hotline in the form of a chatbot or voicebot,”

says Jonathan Appleton, director of the association’s ABSL, an association of digital business and IT services companies.

ABSL Conference 2024 – Experience the Czech Edge: Driving Digital Innovation, Sustainability and Leadership

Join the ABSL network for this exceptional conference experience – one of its kind in global business services on the Czech market. This year we uncover a fresh new format leveraging our members and partners, giving direct access to three different locations with three different content streams in the center of Karlin district in Prague. Explore the real business environment! Stay tuned.

About ABSL Czech Republic

ABSL (Association of Business Service Leaders in the Czech Republic) is an association of companies operating in the shared business services sector, which represents a strong generator of employment in the Czech Republic. ABSL was established in 2013 to foster companies in the business services sector, share best practices and help to develop the activities of its members and other entities operating in this segment. At the same time, ABSL provides support to foreign investors who want to establish their business services centres in the Czech Republic. Currently, there are nearly 400 centres in the Czech Republic employing 160,000 people. For more information, please visit

About ABSL Czech Republic

ABSL (Association of Business Service Leaders in the Czech Republic) is an association of companies operating in the shared business services sector, which represents a strong generator of employment in the Czech Republic. ABSL was established in 2013 to foster companies in the business services sector, share best practices and help to develop the activities of its members and other entities operating in this segment. At the same time, ABSL provides support to foreign investors who want to establish their business services centres in the Czech Republic. Currently, there are nearly 400 centres in the Czech Republic employing 160,000 people. For more information, please visit