Expats.cz: Seeking greater fulfillment in your professional life? Consider coach training

Published On: 11. 9. 2024

Two decades ago, Norbert Riethof brought a new type of personal and professional development to Czechia. Today, there’s more demand for his work than ever.

In 2003, when Norbert Riethof launched Coaching Systems, the concept of coaching as a professional venture was still emerging. Despite initial skepticism about the viability of a business focused solely on coaching, Riethof persevered.

Over the past two decades, the coaching landscape in the Czech Republic has transformed dramatically. Today, Riethof’s platform has seen remarkable growth, reflecting the increasing interest and value placed in the coaching field. Instead of skepticism, he is often asked about the specific types of coaching he offers, highlighting the evolution from a niche market to a diverse and sought-after professional field.

About ABSL Czech Republic

ABSL (Association of Business Service Leaders in the Czech Republic) is an association of companies operating in the shared business services sector, which represents a strong generator of employment in the Czech Republic. ABSL was established in 2013 to foster companies in the business services sector, share best practices and help to develop the activities of its members and other entities operating in this segment. At the same time, ABSL provides support to foreign investors who want to establish their business services centres in the Czech Republic. Currently, there are nearly 400 centres in the Czech Republic employing 160,000 people. For more information, please visit www.absl.cz.