Innovation Magazine: Artificial intelligence acts as a catalyst for growthivana2023-10-18T16:41:11+02:00
CzechCrunch: Artificial intelligence will not just take jobs. Companies using it are growing faster, says the Managing Director of ABSL Czech Republicivana2023-10-18T16:40:06+02:00 We’re growing faster with AI, claims ABSL CZ Managing Director Jonathan Appletonivana2023-10-18T16:34:33+02:00
The upward pressure on wages will intensify before the end of the year.Anna Appletonová2023-10-12T16:58:03+02:00
Leader Talks: ABSL’s Joe Appleton on how business services are powering the Czech economyAnna Appletonová2023-10-09T18:36:19+02:00
Pirates’ proposal to change the taxation of benefits: it could threaten the functioning of the labour market, economists complain.Anna Appletonová2023-10-12T16:58:50+02:00 Benefits make us competitive, companies resist government taxation of employee benefits. The Chamber of Deputies is debating themivana2023-09-18T09:35:55+02:00