What is happening in the sector?
Stay updated with the latest in Czech business services, from empowering women in leadership and fostering diversity to tackling HR challenges in technology and embracing innovative growth. Explore insights on sustainable offices, education’s role in career advancement, and the sector’s expansion through GenAI, robotics, and new investments.
White collar workers prefer the home office. What do employers say?
Work flexibility, especially in the form of working from home, ...
Up to 10 leave-related benefits available to IT and business services employees
The longest possible holidays, personal time off, work-life balance. These ...
Urgent news: Taxation of employee benefits announced by the Czech government could put tens of thousands of skilled jobs at risk
The taxation of employee benefits announced by the government may cause serious damage to the Czech economy, in addition to a decline in the rate of their provision and a related increase in employee dissatisfaction, tens of thousands of skilled jobs could be at risk.
A growing number of employees are interested in working from abroad
Employees no longer want to work only from home, they increasingly like the flexibility of location and time, i.e., the possibility to work anytime and from anywhere, in a growing number of cases also from abroad. Despite the considerable administrative burden when allowing people to work from abroad, 44% of employers in the IT and business services sector already offer this option.
The rise of artificial intelligence is deepening the skills gap of employees
As digitalisation and the rise of artificial intelligence continues, companies ...
10 YEARS OF ABSL: Companies using artificial intelligence are growing faster
The voice of the business, customer and IT services industry, ...
About ABSL Czech Republic
ABSL (Association of Business Service Leaders in the Czech Republic) is an association of companies operating in the shared business services sector, which represents a strong generator of employment in the Czech Republic. ABSL was established in 2013 to foster companies in the business services sector, share best practices and help to develop the activities of its members and other entities operating in this segment. At the same time, ABSL provides support to foreign investors who want to establish their business services centres in the Czech Republic. Currently, there are nearly 400 centres in the Czech Republic employing 160,000 people. For more information, please visit www.absl.cz.