ABSL Report out now
Business Services Sector in the Czech Republic
As ABSL Czech Republic commemorates its remarkable 10-year journey, the Association will offer valuable insights into the business services sector in the Czech Republic with its highly-anticipated Annual ABSL Report 2023.
Discover the trends in the Czech business services filled with detailed analyses and insights into the latest trends and challenges the industry is facing. This comprehensive report covers key topics such as People & Talent Management, ESG, Hybrid Work, Training & Education, Technology, Labour Market, Real Estate, and more. The main source of the data in this publication comes from the ABSL Survey, which was conducted amongst ABSL member companies in the period from June until November 2022.
ABSL Report 2023 is an essential guide to staying ahead of the game and maximizing your success in the sector. Get your e-version now below.

Size & Growth
Czech Business Services sector growing by 12%: On track to become the LARGEST business sector in the country with 200,000 employees by 2025
The sector continues to grow despite the geopolitical situation in Europe, inflation rate and other economic demands, reporting positive numbers in employment growth, upscaling their expert teams and services provided. Centres are widening their portfolios of services, higher focus on customer centricity, which goes together with providing higher-value services. There is also a huge trend that centres focus more on diversity and inclusion, promotion of women to senior positions as well as human rights promotion and support which leads to better understanding of overall employees well-being.
160 000
Celkový počet zaměstnanců v roce 2023
Růst zaměstnanosti v roce 2022
centra plánují rozšíření v příštích 2 letech
200 000
Předpokládaný počet zaměstnanců v roce 2025
Celkový počet center podnikových služeb v ČR

Maturity of services
Fostering innovation through maturity and complexity of services
The Czech centres continue to mature and expand their portfolio, showing that 76% of all services provided by the Czech centres are at the advanced or partner level.

of all processes are now being delivered in the advanced or partner stage
of activities performed are knowledge-based
of centres provide some services on advanced level
average number of services provided in one centre
Top 5 services on the rise
Data Analytics:
Perform predictive analytics and/or optimization
IT services:
Infrastructure Management/Support
Remote sales
Customer Operations
Customer Helpdesk
Project Management Office
ABSL Annual Report 2023
Discover the trends in People & Talent Management, ESG, Hybrid Work, Training & Education, Technology, Labour Market, Real Estate, and more. ABSL Report 2023 is an essential guide to staying ahead of the game and maximizing your success in the business services sector. Download your copy & unlock the full potential of Czech business services!
ESG Towards Resilience
Women in leadership, parents on parental leave, LGBTQ+ among the most popular ESG themes: increase in ESG topics inclusion into the business services policies
Women continue to represent an increasing majority of the workforce in Czech business services. Companies do prefer action, not just policies to have in place. This includes women in leadership, parents on parental leave, people with physical or mental disabilities or people aged 55+. Most of the companies are taking action towards women in leadership roles 67% and inclusion of parents either on or after parental leave 54%. As in the Czech Republic, on parental leave are mostly women and the business service sector has about 58% of women as their employees. This is part of the sustainability of the companies to retain and work with current employees.
Women in business services +10% compared to 2018
Women in senior management +3% compared to 2018
of Centers Support Diversity (LGBT, human rights, etc.) as a CSR area +27% compared to 2021

Diversity (LGBT, human rights, etc.) +27% from the year 2021
Healthcare +15% from the year 2021
Environment & Ecology +6% from the year 2021
The future of Business Services Sector
To recruit and retain staff in key positions and with critical skills: The top priority of the Czech centres for both the year 2023 and by the end of the year 2025
86% of centres consider this to have high or critical priority for 2023. Promoting customer-centricity and managing costs follow as the next highest priorities with 3 out of 4 centres considering these as high or critical priority for the next year.
Centres planning to accelerate digital transformation in 2023
Centres planning to cultivate customer-centric, Innovation culture
Centres believing that innovation in AI likely fundamentally changes the way work is executed